Cloaked in a white dress, the woman becomes a luminous figure. Her silhouette, reminiscent of an old photograph, stands at the water's edge, a lone sentinel between the realms of memory and the enigmatic depths below. The ripples of the still water reflect the silence of forgotten moments, where every step she takes seems to resonate with the echoes of time's footsteps.

The water, a velvety pool of darkness, cradles her ankles as she peers into the depths. Her gaze, a reflective pool of contemplation, unravels the mysteries hidden beneath the surface. The world around her is adorned with sprawling green plants and shrubs, whose leaves whisper of an era where nature and memory are intertwined.

The choice of black and white makes the scene timeless, a tribute to the vintage allure of days gone by. The woman's white dress, a beacon of purity, seems to contain in its fabric the essence of moments lost in the inexorable march of time.

"Silent Waters" invites the viewer to traverse the borderland between the seen and unseen, where a woman in a white dress, caught in the chiaroscuro dance of shadows and light, stands on the threshold of memory. The painting is a poignant ode to the past, a visual symphony that serenades the still waters where time stands still.


DB Waterman's deep love for nature resonates in her latest series of paintings, which focus on the fragility of the environment. Amid concerns about climate change and the degradation of nature, Waterman uses her artistic prowess to shed light on beauty at risk. In this evocative collection, lush landscapes, vibrant plants, trees and flowing water become protagonists depicting the serenity we are in danger of losing. Intriguing human figures blend seamlessly into this natural symphony, rendered in the nostalgic tones of old black-and-white photographs. With her paintings, Waterman not only captures the visual allure of nature, but also calls attention to the urgent need to preserve it. The series serves as a poignant reminder that our connection to the environment is as delicate as the strokes of her art, urging viewers to think about and take action for a sustainable future.


“Painting our way to a sustainable future”.


Exploring the Dynamics of Mixed Media, Collage, Street Art, and Pop Art in Depicting Urban Landscapes".